25 May 2008

brand neue.

with that post title...i shall start off with a shameless plug to a clothing line founded by 2 fellow west covina all male alumni...


anyway, that's the only way i could link the title of this post with the actual blog. other than that...there's actually no connection.

so yeah...i am starting a blog because:

  1. i need to keep my sanity late at night.
  2. it'll help me actually remember events in my life.
  3. my ASB advisor/AP world history teacher, mr david beeken, once told me that keeping a journal and/or blog would help...would help...would help...well...i can't quite recall. had i blogged what he said, i would've remembered.
  4. cedric started one because he was inspired by khai and the nooe crew.
  5. i would like to blog about the dance community like thatsfresh.com but a kind of smaller-one-man-new-to-the-scene type deal.
  6. my grammar and typing skills will get better (i hope).
(six is such an odd number for a list. how ironic? six is an even number. how can it be odd? well i just made it odd.)

this is just an intro to further blogs coming up. i want to prepare you, the reader, of what's in store here in my blog. i'll probably keep a consistent photo blog and have videos to go a long with my blogs (when possible, of course).


it's getting late. i need to wake up for church that starts in about 7 and a half hours.

one more thing...

woo! ultimate brawl 8 is tomorrow! errr....today. you know what i mean. i'm really excited seeing this is my first real time at the show. last year, i was a performer in khai nguyen's kodama. i had a drill team and all male banquet so i had to bounce. fortunately enough for me, kodama was the opener. so i was able to leave right away and go to my banquet. but more about ultimate brawl...the environment is so chill. hospitality from 909 is wonderful. so chill. free subway and monster. it was my first taste of the dance scene out of the high school circuit. it was awesome. i played mario kart ds with dancers from cadc and sgbm. (and i schooled them...i think) but yeah. ultimate brawl 7 was dope. such a good show. and i'm sure 909 will be able to do it again this year with ultimate brawl 8. and this year i'll be a spectator and be able to stay the whole time.

so be prepared for a review of ub8 as well as photos and maybe videos of my time there.

off to bed.

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