09 June 2008

timing is of the essence.

apple introduced the 3g iPhone today.

it looks pretty freaking sweet. everything about it seems magical.

so now to connect my blog title with the blog:

my birthday is in a month (july 9th, if a) you're an ass and dont know or b) you cant do the math) and the iPhone gets released in a month and 2days. if my calculations are correct, i should be able to purchase it on release. SWEEEEET. however, i wont have AT&T as my service provider til october. peace out t-mobile (heck yes! sorry sk3. you've did me well). that means i'll have an iPhone with no service for a few months. but it's all good. i'll use it as an iPod and use the apps to play games. and seeing that it's WiFi capable...imma bust WiFi anytime possible...probably when i'm at home and not in my room. but still..pretty sweet.

game 3. my house.

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